Friday, August 24, 2012

I did it!

I ran three consecutive miles under 12 minute mile paces... I think it was actually 4, but I walk to warm up and cool down so those miles per hour are not just running calculations but who's counting.....oh ME!! I am very excited because I have been working towards getting faster and wondering if I was just destined to b a 12 minute miler no matter what.....but Im not.... A CAN DO THIS! I AM Doing this.

Tomorrows training is 5 miles am 6 miles pm..... Whew wee I'm ready:) I think..... In the middle we have football game and maybe library or swim park... We'll see.

Weekly weigh in picture below as well.... Gained 0.4..... Meh I'm ok I think I been over compensating on my eats with the "hey I RAN today so I can eat this n that".....Not bad stuff just more stuff.... So no loss. Next week got u in my pocket u will go down! Trying to concentrate on snacking and keeping it to a minimum because looking at my fitness pal.... I snack way too much! Fruit mostly but still when snack sections adding up to over 350 calories it's time to nix the snacks! My worst time of day is right when I get home.... I just want to eat the house and everything crunchy I can find! Have u ever noticed that like all things crunchy are full of carbs! I ordered from nature box... Which I thought I might never get but it came... And man there's some little crackers in there arhat are so good and crunchy(oh I just thought of something they'd be a great substitute for croutons on a salad!) and like 35 calories and they're only 2 carbs or something really low! I was amazed! Can't wait til they make it where you can order what u like in the box! The almonds that came in the box are out of this world! Maui onion crunch almonds they are so good!

Off to run stairs and do my 100 pushups :) have a great weekend!

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