Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Weigh in and starting iifym

I recently got some motivation in the mail :)). 
A new scale and a new food scale! 
Just in time to start an iifym program! If you haven't heard of it it looks like The program I need in my life. I am excited to start this! I read skinny Meg's blog religiously and she has quite a few posts about it.

Looking back through my blog I am at the same weight pretty much as when I had my baby, Jase, who is now 15 months old! Where where where does the time go!
This sweet potatoes aproxamately 3 x what thought oops! This why you need a food scale! :)this one is perfect you can measure in what ever unit you want.  
The scale is ready to step on and has a great size display. You can get your here.... they have a lot of great products... Go check it out!  

There he is :) 

Merry Christmas! Are you ready?  Me either :)))