Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I've been thinking I should set a running goal to get me going ....post baby!  My goal is to place in my age group at a local 5k.  Mind you that's not looking that difficult BUT it will be like starting all over because I've cut back to walking only during this pregnancy.  I think this will help motivate me to actually DO the intervals/speed work which scare the begeezes outta me for some reason.  I just get the "I can't do that's" BAD  when even thinking about them.  Maybe this will kick me in gear:) 

I downloaded the Jillian michaels 30 day shred today and I think I'll try it out for the next 30 days.  Just like "ill start Monday" it feels wrong to start on the second but what the hell I'm gonna start on the second!:) it's so dang hot here an indoor exercise video sounds better to me than walking miles outside, so ill try it out :) 

Can't believe it's already almost July 4th seems like it was just Christmas!  

Hope your week is going good :) ill keep u posted on 30day shredding while 30 weeks pregnant!  Have you done this video?  What's your thoughts on intervals/speed work?  

Monday, July 1, 2013

Night out!!!

Met Holly Tucker last night at a Wade Bowen and Randy Rogers concert last night :))
Was a fun night out:). We never do that....ever! 
Randy Rogers 
Wade Bowen (is freaking HOT).  

So glad we went :))