Tuesday, August 20, 2013


My Dr set my inducement for sept 6th!!  So ready 😊......I think..... Lol. This starting again with diapers and no sleep at my young age is a little nail biting.

  I can't wait to run again.... Have I mentioned that? Oh I did? Sorry😏 I just hope I actually GET to run. 

Three kids sounds like a hectic house!  I'm envisioning my little girl carrying the baby by his head to me while I'm in the shower and marks "watching" them lol😁. Hope that doesn't happen....

This lady in the cafeteria of the hospital I work at told me the other day "you've put on a lot.... How much u put on?  You can tell!"  I've gained about 45 pounds and I was so appreciative of her pointing this out to me that I really could have poked her in her eyeball with a fork!  Lol. It amazes me the things people say! 

Had my baby showers last weekend it was a lot of fun! Probably should have not had cake for breakfast lunch and dinner but.... I pretty much did! 

Can't wait to see this little face! 

Y'all have a great day!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I've been thinking I should set a running goal to get me going ....post baby!  My goal is to place in my age group at a local 5k.  Mind you that's not looking that difficult BUT it will be like starting all over because I've cut back to walking only during this pregnancy.  I think this will help motivate me to actually DO the intervals/speed work which scare the begeezes outta me for some reason.  I just get the "I can't do that's" BAD  when even thinking about them.  Maybe this will kick me in gear:) 

I downloaded the Jillian michaels 30 day shred today and I think I'll try it out for the next 30 days.  Just like "ill start Monday" it feels wrong to start on the second but what the hell I'm gonna start on the second!:) it's so dang hot here an indoor exercise video sounds better to me than walking miles outside, so ill try it out :) 

Can't believe it's already almost July 4th seems like it was just Christmas!  

Hope your week is going good :) ill keep u posted on 30day shredding while 30 weeks pregnant!  Have you done this video?  What's your thoughts on intervals/speed work?  

Monday, July 1, 2013

Night out!!!

Met Holly Tucker last night at a Wade Bowen and Randy Rogers concert last night :))
Was a fun night out:). We never do that....ever! 
Randy Rogers 
Wade Bowen (is freaking HOT).  

So glad we went :))

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Kids n weight

My little angel girl is 6. She's the sweetest thing since birthday cake and has momma's jeans.  Kids are mean and have called her names regarding her weight.  It makes me cry:(. Makes me want to say take me to them.... Belt in hand!  But any way I have got to show this girl how to eat be satisfied and move out of the kitchen...(not that I have this down pat myself).  She does not seem to get full.  If you've been here and have any tips please share.  Went to the store and bought fruits and veggies she likes and I'm going to make this a priority.  I owe it to her to show her good eating habits.

In other news I an currently at 28 weeks (29 tomorrow) of pregnancy. I've gained about 28 pounds.  It's scaring the beegeezes outta me.  I absolutely can NOT wait to run again! And can NOT wait to see this sweet Lil face!  We're naming him Caysen Wayne. Wayne was my dads middle name and my grandfathers name :)  

Thanks for reading:). Any tips on how to explain/put into action the whole calories in vs out to a 6 year old are welcome! Have a fantabulous day!!
That's Caysen's hand is that not awesome?!

Monday, June 3, 2013

14weeks &4days.......

Left but who's counting right? Lol me me me!!  I'm trying to enjoy this pregnancy because fer real this time it will be my last :) and I am enjoying it.  The watching the scale go up up and away is difficult but I'm managing.  
Growing belly :) 
I have been missing running something fierce!  I had a very vivid dream that I ran a 20 mile run that was the most awesome run I've ever had:) of course it was I was dreaming it! But really I'm
Missing it badddd!! I got out and walked 3.5 miles and while in one neighborhood ran between mailboxes then walked repeated thru that subdivision. It was wonderful!  Go out two days later thinking ok I'm going to run one minute walk two...... My belly had other ideas! That HURT! So walking it was. On the bright side I'm
Glad I'm doing something for fitness but I seriously cannot wait to run again!  

Can't wait to see his little sweet face:) 

Did you run or workout while pregnant? Did it make your belly hurt?  

Monday, April 15, 2013

Leopard color run

On saturday I ran/walked (2 minutes:1minute) a 5k color type run. I think it maybe should have been called a powder run tho because it was basically they water you and the throw powder on you....

I dunno I didn't want to do all that so I kinda party pooped and went around the stations. I'm 18 weeks pregnant and I don't know what's in that stuff and inhaling it didn't sound fun to me so spectating at least that portion was fine by me:)

however the throwers of color didn't like my idea so I pretty much had to hide from them which I did we'll until the finish where this guy thought I was a challenge and he throws it all down my side. Didn't get it in my face so I was glad for that.

My friend Amy did it too she got colored :) here's a pic:) I hadn't seen a picture in this view (most all the pics I've taken lately are sideways to show my bump) and boy did it shock me I look huge in this picture:( sccccaaarry! Hope I can lose this weight!

My plan post baby is to join weight watchers,run and lift weights.... That should be a piece o cake with three kids and a man child right? Lol no I'm
Kidding I think my man child will help me make it happen - I hope!

How long did you wait to start exercising again post baby?

Friday, April 12, 2013


The weeks are flying by.... I am 18weeks now:). I have gained 20pounds. Scary!

Had my ultrasound to check everything and decide if I should have an amniocentesis. It's definitely a boy! And the doctor that did my ultrasound did not suggest an amnio! To say I was relieved would be an understatement. Only thing he saw was that we have a two vessel umbilical cord instead of three. He said this happens and the only worry with it is fetal growth so my doctor will watch how he's growing and may do more ultrasounds to check on him.

So I am team mom for Ty's baseball team and this means lots of things for me to do one of which is turning on the field score board which I forgot to do the other day and had to run the parameter of the field in front of everyone ugggg to turn it on. I haven't been running much at all and wow I felt like a blimp running out there in my not supportive enough for running bra hahaha! Mark said he heard the umpires talking, I guess about my slowness, saying well, she IS pregnant! Lol nice!

I signed up for two 5k's yesterday one tomorrow and one next Saturday. The one next Saturday ill be running virtually( in my head) with my brother who's running his first 5k :) exciting stuff! I'm not sure but I think I may be more excited than he is lol!

My baby girl got her first goal at her soccer game last Saturday! She was so excited!

Even tho I feel huge I am so ready for the pool days :)

Hope your day is fantabulous!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Today sucked

Fell off the sugar detox wagon hit my head and rolled down a hill over some fresh dog poo.... In other words I ate one bad thing and let it turn my entire day into a sugar fest! You been down that well I already screwed up so...... I may as well? The difference will be I will be right back on it right now not tomorrow which always turns into tomorrow again for me and so on.

I did go to the gym today:) rainy and not so awesome outside so I went to the gym. I went to motherhood and bought a belly band thingy that should help with the pain/soreness I had the other day from my run/walk. I did 4 miles on the bike and 1 on the treadmill just walking. I still feel a little sore. The calorie burn I got at the gym is..... Well.... It sucks (compared to the runs i was doing per-pregnancy) but at least I burned some I guess. I'm that person that has these set expectations of what I "should" do and how long and how many calories ill burn or I might as well just not. If I run it needs to be at least a 5k or over......like a mile doesn't burn 100 calories or so?!? I used to think I must workout an hour or hell what's the point? There's a point to all extra movement which my handy dandy fitbit has helped me realize that what people have been saying for ever (that I always thought yeah that'll do a whole lot) about parking far out and stairs not elevator ect it all adds up to
more calories burned. It's all worth it:)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hard day

I WANT SOME CRAPPY FOOD! Lol no, no I don't I'm
Actually pretty proud I haven't caved. I usually would have said screw it a long time ago especially since I have Reese's eggs in my house! But the temptation isn't so overwhelming like I usually feel it is when I try to restrict myself from things! Day two down no sugar or processed white carb crap foods :) I usually go straight for the crackers when I get home but I'm doing ok without crackers!

On my 100 mile challenge.... Hmmmm! I ran/walked 3.5 miles yesterday and with this 17 week bump I was in pain last night and today! Like hurt felt so sore I called my ob to make sure it was the round ligament pain I thought it was-it is. Ouchhhh! Did not have this problem with either of my first two..... Possibly because I didn't get off my ass for either pregnancy! But at 250 and pregnant I was just like meh gimmie some ice cream;) anyway I'm not quitting this challenge tho! I'm going to have to get a belt thingy and ill be back out there getting in my hundred! Today taking a rest day although, I still got in my 4.55 miles, according to my fitbit. Which is 10920 steps so far today.

Have a good evening :) are y'all doing any challenges? Have you tried to step away from

Monday, April 1, 2013

Sugar detox and 100 mile April

So I started the sugar detox challenge today with Laura from mommy run fast! I did amazingly well considering all the Easter candy temptation left over from yesterday including my favvvvvv Reese's eggs! I think there's cocaine in them which make them so addictive! Haven't had any processed white carby things that I usually go straight for after work, today I had a slice of cheese and piece of roast beef and a few grapes.

I also started another challenge to get 100 miles in for the month if April:) this challenge brought to anyone who wants by runningwithtongs Im off to a good start!

Both of these challenges are something I really needed. I'm really struggling to keep exercising and stop eating everything in sight with this pregnancy being my go to reasoning for it. Got to get myself together :)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

2nd chapter....

I'm my second trimester:) woohoo! IT'S A BOY!! Don't feel so sick and have energy back definite WOO HOO for that! Trying to get my running mojo back!

I ordered some new running shoes today to help with some cuteness motivation! I took nycrunningmama's advice and got the saucing virtatas! Can't wait to try them on! Nothing better than new shoes when you can't fit into clothes lol!

I cannot for the life of me decide which to sign up for the San Francisco half or the 5k.......... We will be there on vacation and I want to run just can't decide which one ill be about....28 weeks pregnant at that point.... Huh I hadn't realized that til just now..... I think I just decided the 5k! :)

Still in a touch of shock that I'm having another little one.....:) as my dad would point out "you know what causes that right" lol

So here's a pic of the shoes!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Was having a great day..... Until...

So today I found out I'm having a baby boy!:)) so happy about that!

Got to leave work early plus plus!

Went to the grocery store where I was reduced to tears by this stupid sample lady! She has like 10 things you can try so I asked if I could try this and that.... Whatever they were.... And she says two things one if which was "oh hand you had lunch?" And "I guess this will be lunch" before I could answer. Then proceeds to say"I've never had a woman ask for more than one sample I mean the men do but never a woman!" If looks could kill! That bitch would be dead as a doornail! I said that was just plain rude and didn't take the last sample and just walked off and she says something trying to back pedal cuz she knew I was livid! Then tries to tell me oh no I was giving you a compliment!" I turned around and said " A COMPLIMENT ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"

I walked back over and asked her name I was so pissed and it pissed me off even more that I could not stop the tears as I walked away! Her name tag was cover by a scarf wonder why! I moved it and walked on where I ran smack into a manager who I told how rude she was with tears running down my face! Embarrassing anyway he said he'd take care of it yeah I'm sure....... Some people suck. I hate that I gave that bitch the power to make me that angry:(.

Came home with three little baby boy presents.... One for each of my children and one for mark. Let them open them all together to find out what the baby's sex is! It was great! I was really thinking it was a girl..... Wrongo! Lol the Chinese birth charts said boy so I started thinking differently about a week ago :)

Have any name suggestions? I like Jett but it was vetoed:( Have you let anyone get to you with their stupid words?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Running Survey

Got this survey from Mommy run fast.... looks like a good post so I thought I answer them too!

1. How did you get into running?
 I have always wanted to be a runner. I have also always been obese (seriously always- I had boobs in my kindergarden picture at school!), well until may of 2009, I had gastric bypass on may 5, 2009. That began my weight loss of course. I dont really recall exactly when I started to run. I started with the couch to 5k program. I quit a few times I let that "I can do this" get into my head. In the end my desire to do it overruled and I did! In I think March of 2011 I did my first half marathon here in Waco and if you've run a half in waco you probably know about the crazyyyyy hills involved!  Well I didnt when I signed up for this bearathon-OH MY!! I did it in 3:07:04 slow as molases but I finished and I was proud and barely able to walk beacuse I had definitly not trained like I should have oopsie!! I was DETERMINED  for them not to pick me up from the course as it closes after 4 hours- I was so scared that was going to happen! At that race and the following races I did I realized runners are awesome people!

2.#1 on the ole bucket list.
Sprint triathlon.... This should be interesting since I cant swim and im a touch scared to! This is outside my comfort zone for sure but I will do it! Wont be this year like Id planned because Im pregnant and well if I drown I dont want to take an innocent child down with me- lol just jokin           I was only scared about the swim until I realized how many cyclist get hit by cars!!!!!! I have a guy in my spin class that got hit on a race and it broke him to pieces! I hadnt been on a bike in mmm aproximitly forever when i got a beach bike and you talk about death grip when I started out on it! lol Made my husband and son go in the house while I tried it out in case I made a complete ass of myself and fell or something but I didnt. I couldnt feel my hands but I didnt fall over! So um yea a triathlon should be a challenge a huge challenge for me but I will!!  Ive finally got I cant mostly out of my head!

3.Favorite race?
Ive done 5 half marathons. They were all great- because I finished!! The heels to hills(which had no hills lol) was great because two complete stranges helped push me thru the finish and I pr'd at that race because of them, It was great! I did two in florida while I was visiting my dad who has since passed away due to heart failure- also a reason to run and keep running. They were both great! One was right in the beach and over couple bridges which I loved! (Of coures theres a downside to that one- there was no water at the finish- wth? lol)

4. What motivates you to keep going?
My dads health condition was/is a big factor. I dont want my kids to go thru that and I dont want to go thru it! I dont want diabetes or heart failure so bad I need a transplant. Ive got to work this heart Ive got- its important! Im far from perfect, I dont eat well all the time and I give in to the "I dont wanna's" sometmes but Im trying and Ill keep going.

5. What is one habit you wish you could break?
Thinking if I dont do over 3 miles whats the point, or if I dont do and hour of cardio whats the point! I know in my brain its crazy but I think this way and it laughable its so goofy but its me! I got a fitbit and this helps.  I try to get my steps in but Ive got to get this silliness out of my head! A 2 mile run is still a run and totally worth the effort!

6. If you could have any job in the world what would it be?
Stuck on this one! I like my job but there has to be a way cooler job that Id love to go to somewhere..... Im just not totally sure what it is..... have to get back about this one:)

7. Whats your favorite piece of gear?
I love this fit bit! I love seeing how many calories I burn for the day- oneday I"ll have a garmin I'm just so indecisive that I cant choose which one I need/ want!  And my brooks running shoes(all of them lol)

8.Whats your go to pre reace meal?
oatmeal and a banana:)

9. Do you take supplements?
prenatal vitamins b12 tabs and calcium

10. What do you love about running?
Its my me time. I love the way I feel when Im done! I love that Im finally here that Im a runner! I love that people in my life said I couldnt and they can eat their words now:) oh getting off track there I guess. I also love new running shoes! ANY excuse for new shoes I am down with!!!

11. What is your next big race?
Gulf Coast Interstate Relay!!!! Cant wait! Its 12 member team from New Orleans, LA to Pensacola, FL! You can bike it or run it- My teams running it! If youve never done a relay you should totally check it out!!! You know how the nonrunners in your life are kind of like eyeroll shes talking about that running exertion thing again? Well a relay is an entire couple days where you can talk about and get advice and others views on anything running! With no eyerolls! Seriously the whole relay thing ROCKS!

Thanks for reading -have a great weekend:)
I'll be doing a 5k unexpectely which makes my day! My mom told me about the race AND volunteered to watch the kids so I can do it!!! Cant pass that up!

Are you racing this weekend?  Have you done a relay? Did you love it?

You know your a mom when.....

You see this in a run and think..... Wait did they get the box tops off that can?!?!! Lol

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Got off my ass yesterday woohoo

Ran/walked yesterday on lunch 3 miles! Have got to keep motivated to keep getting off it. I cannot gain all this damn weight back! CANNOT!

Legs are sore today excuses excuses I know! Anyhow I'm
Going to walk today half of lunch and another half hour after Work......It's moving --which counts! Yes I must remind myself of that because I tend to be that girl that must do x amount of time or x amount of distance for my workout to "count" in my goofy head.

Kylie started soccer. Had her first game last Saturday:) she did great! Ran and didn't try to quit so I was super proud!

Ty's in baseball. Just practicing til march 23rd. He is beyond excited! Got our same coach we had for football which is a plus Ty likes him and listens to him pretty well

It's a juggle getting them everywhere which is going to get harder with Lil bambino in September but I guess you just do it.

I'm still in shock that I'm going to have another. Excited but scared. What's one more right? Lol

Going to San Francisco in June absolutely can't wait! It happens to fall on the weekend the San Fran marathon (half and 5k too) are happening! That may or may not have been accidental lmao! I'm seriously not sure with this pregnancy brain I can't recall! I know if looked at the race but it was months ago. But I think it may be a SIGN that I should really run one of them! Not the big shebang (cuz honestly I think marathon would ruin running for me and running it pregnant Um no) but the half or the 5 k are on my radar;) who goes out of town and doesn't run an awesome race? Right? Right!

11weeks pic:)

Y'all have a fantabulous day I am going to try my best to do the same;)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Hello again....

11 weeks pregnant and scared ill gain back every pound I've lost. My eating as been way off track. I have not been running. I just don't have the umph. Got up this morning and walked 2 miles on the treadmill. I've got to exercise. I have a relay on April 4-6 from New Orleans to Pensacola that I'm running! I must get my rear in gear! I'm very excited about this race and must start training.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Missin in action...... Not really just haven't posted about the action....

Went and picked up my dad from Florida on December 8th and trekked across to Texas with him. It was a memorable trip :). Got him here where we went straight to the er due to his legs swelling and him being miserable. He was released from the hospital to a rehab center 7days later and stayed there for 5 days and went back into the hospital where things went bad to worse to worse still. He went to check out heaven on January 2nd. He told me before I went to get him in Florida he didn't think he was going to be around much longer and wanted to die in Texas. So I'm glad he got that wish at least. Miss him like crazy.

2 days later I figured out that I am going to have another baby:). Little scared bout this as I am 37 years old. And I don't want to gain every pound I've lost. And it makes me sad to think that my daddy won't get to hold this baby but I'm glad he or she has a guardian angel :).

Christmas was all messed up because of my work schedule. But the kids loved their gifts and felt like they had Christmas for days on end :)

Weight is holding steady and I plan to stay active during this pregnancy. I signed up for a half marathon the last Sunday of this month, So I guess I will still go for it. Anyone have thoughts on this? I have been running for over 2 years so surely it'll be ok, it's not like I just started yesterday.

Anyway my life's crazy but it's ok ill wade thru :)

These are the beautiful flowers the CEO sent me.

And out list of possible baby names the kids are soooo excited!

And my dad and my lil man :)

And my dads fave pic of yours truly:)