Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Missin in action...... Not really just haven't posted about the action....

Went and picked up my dad from Florida on December 8th and trekked across to Texas with him. It was a memorable trip :). Got him here where we went straight to the er due to his legs swelling and him being miserable. He was released from the hospital to a rehab center 7days later and stayed there for 5 days and went back into the hospital where things went bad to worse to worse still. He went to check out heaven on January 2nd. He told me before I went to get him in Florida he didn't think he was going to be around much longer and wanted to die in Texas. So I'm glad he got that wish at least. Miss him like crazy.

2 days later I figured out that I am going to have another baby:). Little scared bout this as I am 37 years old. And I don't want to gain every pound I've lost. And it makes me sad to think that my daddy won't get to hold this baby but I'm glad he or she has a guardian angel :).

Christmas was all messed up because of my work schedule. But the kids loved their gifts and felt like they had Christmas for days on end :)

Weight is holding steady and I plan to stay active during this pregnancy. I signed up for a half marathon the last Sunday of this month, So I guess I will still go for it. Anyone have thoughts on this? I have been running for over 2 years so surely it'll be ok, it's not like I just started yesterday.

Anyway my life's crazy but it's ok ill wade thru :)

These are the beautiful flowers the CEO sent me.

And out list of possible baby names the kids are soooo excited!

And my dad and my lil man :)

And my dads fave pic of yours truly:)

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