Tuesday, August 20, 2013


My Dr set my inducement for sept 6th!!  So ready 😊......I think..... Lol. This starting again with diapers and no sleep at my young age is a little nail biting.

  I can't wait to run again.... Have I mentioned that? Oh I did? Sorry😏 I just hope I actually GET to run. 

Three kids sounds like a hectic house!  I'm envisioning my little girl carrying the baby by his head to me while I'm in the shower and marks "watching" them lol😁. Hope that doesn't happen....

This lady in the cafeteria of the hospital I work at told me the other day "you've put on a lot.... How much u put on?  You can tell!"  I've gained about 45 pounds and I was so appreciative of her pointing this out to me that I really could have poked her in her eyeball with a fork!  Lol. It amazes me the things people say! 

Had my baby showers last weekend it was a lot of fun! Probably should have not had cake for breakfast lunch and dinner but.... I pretty much did! 

Can't wait to see this little face! 

Y'all have a great day!!

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