Wednesday, March 20, 2013

2nd chapter....

I'm my second trimester:) woohoo! IT'S A BOY!! Don't feel so sick and have energy back definite WOO HOO for that! Trying to get my running mojo back!

I ordered some new running shoes today to help with some cuteness motivation! I took nycrunningmama's advice and got the saucing virtatas! Can't wait to try them on! Nothing better than new shoes when you can't fit into clothes lol!

I cannot for the life of me decide which to sign up for the San Francisco half or the 5k.......... We will be there on vacation and I want to run just can't decide which one ill be about....28 weeks pregnant at that point.... Huh I hadn't realized that til just now..... I think I just decided the 5k! :)

Still in a touch of shock that I'm having another little one.....:) as my dad would point out "you know what causes that right" lol

So here's a pic of the shoes!


  1. Congrats on the boy!! And yay for new shoes- I really like the Virratas. :)

  2. Congrats on the boy!! So exciting! And enjoy the new shoes. :)
