Saturday, September 15, 2012

How does one person feel so fat and so fit all it one?!?

3 years and 5 months ago (seems like yesterday and 30 years ago) I never thought I could've RUN..... A mile much less the 9 I just finished or the three half marathons I've done! It's crazy how little credit I give myself. I look in the mirror and still see the chunkster I was. I hope I exude more confidence than I feel. Wouldn't it be nice (and scary lol) to have a camera follow u around so u can SEE how u act and what your body language is telling people? I'd also like it to film my running lol so I'll know if I run crazy or not! Lol like the episode of friends where phoebe runs like a little out of control kid! It's was a funny one I'd u missed it:) 4 more miles later.... To the library now cheap and FUN I HOPE THE KIDS BEHAVE :) for some reason I see Kylie hollering on there.... I'll keep u posted have a great and healthy weekend!

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