Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Today sucked

Fell off the sugar detox wagon hit my head and rolled down a hill over some fresh dog poo.... In other words I ate one bad thing and let it turn my entire day into a sugar fest! You been down that well I already screwed up so...... I may as well? The difference will be I will be right back on it right now not tomorrow which always turns into tomorrow again for me and so on.

I did go to the gym today:) rainy and not so awesome outside so I went to the gym. I went to motherhood and bought a belly band thingy that should help with the pain/soreness I had the other day from my run/walk. I did 4 miles on the bike and 1 on the treadmill just walking. I still feel a little sore. The calorie burn I got at the gym is..... Well.... It sucks (compared to the runs i was doing per-pregnancy) but at least I burned some I guess. I'm that person that has these set expectations of what I "should" do and how long and how many calories ill burn or I might as well just not. If I run it needs to be at least a 5k or a mile doesn't burn 100 calories or so?!? I used to think I must workout an hour or hell what's the point? There's a point to all extra movement which my handy dandy fitbit has helped me realize that what people have been saying for ever (that I always thought yeah that'll do a whole lot) about parking far out and stairs not elevator ect it all adds up to
more calories burned. It's all worth it:)

1 comment:

  1. Today doesn't have to totally suck...get back on track right now!! You can do it!!
