Uh, no, hell no! Not so much! So I'm shopping the other day for something to wear to this wedding I'm attending this weekend and I go into dress barn to look around. I've had good luck there before so I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm looking around and this sales lady's like "that's the plus section" I was like ok.... "So does that mean you don't think I should be over here?"
Cuz ya know my heads not caught up ever- I weighed 272 pounds had gastric bypass ( you know the easy way out- yeah right!) got down to 182 started gaining. Went back up to almost 200 and put the breaks on. Started running. Got to 153. Was excited! Crazy excited!!
Then got pregnant! SURPRISE!!! (I used to think surprise babies were something that just wouldn't happen to me but uhhh)
So here I sit at 183.something and feel plus think plus and always have even at 153!
This conversation stirred some crazy emotions in me. I realized I don't even know what size I wear! What?!?!! What is wrong with me! How could I not know that?!
It doesn't help that sizing is freaking ridiculous as a whole! I can wear from a 14 to an 18? Which is plus! Not that I'm wanting to be there but I am. The sales lady was obese and so starts the oh great she prolly thinks I'm nuts saying this and how doses someone not know their size?
But I don't and I'm surely not alone in this body image hell thing I'm in!
I didn't find anything there so I went to Maurice's. Love that store! Tried on some xl and xxl things that were too big! That makes no since! Anyway yeah shopping is just knock your socks off awesome!
Let me go find some shoes those always fit!!!😜 I wore this one

The wedding was beautiful and we had a great time! 💜