Sunday, November 25, 2012

My Shadow

Running the other day I couldn't help but notice how shapely and small I look or well my shadow looks. I still think I'm bigger than I am and I'm not sure how to grasp
It and heck it's been over 3 years! Maybe it'll sink in at some point:), but looking at my shadow made me smile.

I say things to people that don't know me and I get the reaction that you'd give that size two girl bitching about her weight while your sittin at size 22! It's a crazy thing to realize they are saying to themselves "oh shut up already!" Lol so I feel that obligation to explain that I used to be much larger than I am now- always to their amazement! You just never know where someone's been or what they've been thru.

I've been listening to the half size me podcasts while I run and I love them! She has touched on some things that totally resonate with me!

One that I listened to the other day was talking about toxic relationships and said this quote which I love and think is so true! "Your true friends will love and support you no matter how it affects THEM" I am trying to clean my toxic clock :) just can't/won't/don't need to waste another minute on these people.

Highly recommend this podcast!

Doing a one mile challenge per day (at least) now until jan1 (and beyond I hope) join me :)

We got a real tree this year and I'm so excited to decorate for Christmas! It's so fun for the kids.

My dads doing pretty well getting stronger in the rehab facility he's in. Thank you for the prayers they're working!

Have a great rest of the afternoon :) happy Sunday!

Monday, November 19, 2012


I'm so fickle on this blogging thing....sorry. I always THINK of things to write but the get busy or forget what I was going to write about.

Yesterday I ran just over 5 miles(I don't like my mileage to be odd numbers) and then rushed to the y for spin class. Made it just in time! I was listening to the instructor and another member of the class talk about the lack of coverage for them when they need off ect and I think I may take the class to become a spin instructor:) I'm super excited about this!
Yesterday I stayed so busy with house work ect that I didn't eat much, strange for me but it showed on the scale this morning :)

I love this time if year! Can't wait for Thursday :) have a wonderful thanksgiving :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Someone enlighten me as to what amp
Means in the blog title? Thank you in advance;)

Monday, November 12, 2012


I just made it all the way home without eating one fry from my family's food! (Yes I know I should not be feeding them this crappy food and I don't have an excuse or any justification-they asked I said ok.) but I didn't eat one which is extremely odd for me!!!! :))))

Sunday, November 11, 2012


I'm so glad I've finally tried squash! This is butternut squash soup and I must say yummmmmm and like 180
Calories! WOWWIEEE! Lol I love spaghetti squash as well makes for some wonderful low cal lunches for the week!

Loving the YMCA classes for some workout inspiration :) and variation! I did the body shaping class today and oh man the burn.... I should be nice and sore:)

I have decided I don't really think weight watchers is the plan for me but before I nail down that decision I think I'll try the simply filling plan first. Have y'all tried it or do u just do points plus?

10 k on Saturday was a killer hill route! Time was one hour 11mimutes :) 11:30 pace going to try to work on some speed. Wasn't last but I need to push myself outside my comfy box. I realized while I was running this race that I plain don't push myself. I know this by the talk test-I was singing on my race- i shouldn't be able to sing while racing! So that's my goal to push it. And speaking of pushing it I wire these zebra compression socks at the race and at that last hill (1/4 mile from finish but it was steep) this girl was standing there with a bullhorn saying "no no no girl with the cool socks you may not walk up this hill sprint it in!!! Go go go!!" It was just the encouragement I needed and I sprinted it in :) the spectators just don't know how great they are!

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Whoa is me.... Ok I'm done :) this weight struggle really stinks sometimes! Ok a lot if the time!

I just feel like someone else takes over and that bitch says "screw it" "eat it" WAY too much! I hate it!

I hate that I do this stupid cycle constantly! Insanity - you've all read the definition on Pinterest and Facebook, I'm sure, in those funny card type pics that make us all laugh- doing the same damn thing over and over and expecting a different result. That's me I N S A N E!

I work my ass off working out only to out eat all the calories I've burned! Whine whine whine! Ugggg. Sorry for the whine just truly struggling right now. Sucks! But I will keep moving, keep trying, keep trying to move to a more positive, happy me!

Thanks for reading:)